Last spring we directed much attention to improving safety on campus and one of the most frequent suggestions we received was to install (video) security cameras on campus. 从2007年秋天开始, Trinity has undertaken a phased process of installing a closed circuit system of security cameras to assist us in patrolling the campus, 预防校园犯罪, and collecting information to assist with investigations of incidents. All of these endeavors contribute to enhanced campus safety and the protection of people and property. The system is not intended to interfere with the privacy of individuals who are not eng年龄d in criminal activity. 它的目的是观察可疑, 危险的, or illegal behavior; but not to observe people based on group profiles including but not limited to race, 性别, 年龄, 性取向或性表达, 服装风格或兄弟会的成员资格, 女学生联谊会, 文化的房子, 或者运动队.

注:已有的视频摄像系统, 比如马瑟大厅的那些, 目前不是这个系统的一部分,因此, 此时没有被积极监控吗.



Cameras located around campus send live video to the password-protected monitoring stations for review by authorized 校园安全 staff, 谁将在晚上监控系统. The video will be simultaneously recorded and archived to provide supporting evidence during the investigation of an incident. The system includes nighttime-mode cameras as well as motion detection technology to enhance the monitor’s ability to “virtually patrol” the campus both day and night. 当系统监视器怀疑有问题时, he or she will be able to immediately dispatch an officer to the scene.


Cameras will be routinely monitored by trained 校园安全 staff. Recorded material will be viewed at the discretion of the 校园安全总监 (or his designee) and only for the purposes of a legitimate investigation. No one other than trained 校园安全 staff may operate the system without express permission from the 校园安全总监.

Where are the cameras located and will people be notified that a given area is being monitored?

We will post signs indicating that the campus is subject to video surveillance to remind people that their actions may be monitored and to deter them from engaging in crime. 然而, we do not want to give a miscreant a road map as to where he or she can and cannot commit a crime away from the camera’s eye.

In the first phase of the project we will have approximately twenty cameras in sample areas that represent the variety of environments on campus where we will want to install cameras. 例如, sections of the following outdoor areas will be included: the Lower Long Walk, 新月街, 和三一公地. In phase two we will extend camera cover年龄 more fully to areas such as common walking routes, 通往宿舍的主要入口, 员工工作到很晚的地方, and areas where our experience has shown us incidents are more likely to occur.


如上所述, the second phase of the project will allow us to incorporate suggestions from the College community and past experience. Other requests will have to come through the appropriate department head and will then have to be approved by the 校园安全总监 after consultation with the Director of Information Technology and, 取决于地点, 学院适当的高级职员.

What assurances can you give us that our privacy is not going to be invaded?

校园安全 staff are trained in the legal and ethical issues involved. In addition, the monitoring stations are located in an open area in 校园安全. Officers know that they are not to track individuals unless the monitor has reason to suspect the individual is a threat to people or property. The scope of camera cover年龄 does not allow for surveillance of individual rooms and at no time would such cover年龄 be permitted. If anyone has reason to suspect misuse of the camera system then he or she should report it immediately to the 校园安全总监, 教务长, or Director of Human Resources for investigation and appropriate action.

Can students or employees be subject to disciplinary action based on observations made on video?

是的. The system is not designed to monitor individuals who do not threaten people or property, but anyone who is involved in behavior that violates the law or rules of the College can be held to account. The cameras are not intended for use by supervisors to monitor employees on the job, but it may be used to investigate certain incidents including those that relate to dam年龄 to or loss of College property. It is important to remember that the system is an expansion of what we already do with our officers on patrol. We are merely increasing the scope of what they can see at any given time.

If I am involved in an incident, can I view the video recordings?

Any video evidence that is collected is subject to the same policies of the College judicial process that govern any other type of evidence. 在调查过程中, you may be asked to view specific recordings in order to identify a suspect, 例如. Any other requests must be 提交ted in writing to the 校园安全总监 for consideration.


请回答任何问题, 评论, 向Brian heaven提出的问题或建议, 校园安全总监.